I built my first computer from a kit I ordered from Popular Science. I stayed up nights building it. Thousands of tiny connection, lots of eye strain. It did very little. First packaged computer was a Trash 80 (TRS 80) from Radio Shack, Then a Timex Sinclar, next a Digital, then an early Apple. The thing all of these had in common, the word computer in the name. If you worked on them back in those days, there were at least a dozen or more brands, different hardware, OS, and software. I had dealings with most if these companies. Apple was the most arrogant, self important org, I ever had dealing with, outside of the WtBorg. I met Steve Jobs sevral times at tech events, he was worse, than his tech and hardware people. I HATE all things APPLE!
I like Android phones and tablets.
But since MS has got its act together, and put out a very good OS, and Nokia (Now MS) has put out some very good phones, plus many others compines are as well. I have 2 Win phones, and I am going to get a new Win Tablet this fall!
But when all is said and done, the best of all of them, is the one YOU like best!