Back in the 60's & 70's most of us really believed that the end was about to hit us all in the face!!! Like always, there were many that were in it, just incase. From 12 on I was out 100 long hard hours, each and every month. Money was tight, gas was high. We would drive to an area, and walk almost the whole thing, before moving the car, and doing some more. We carried packed lunches, and a big water cooler, and find a park or shade tree to eat at.
After 75 came a went, everything started to change, slowly at first, and picked up speed.
I know it really impacted me, and my attitude in ways I didn't notice for some time. I saw many long time friends just disappear, never to be seen again.
Compared to back then, FS is a silly kids JOKE!!! Even with the CA along for the ride!!!!