Physical complexity.
Ok, so how are you defining complexity?
The molecular make-up of the hard drive
That changes as data is written to the drive into forms that are interacted with and they are interacted with. More complexity.
You cannot be seriously suggesting that material is being added to a hard drive when it "fills up" with data.
I never suggested anything like that. That's why I am asking you how you are defining "complexity". You seem to be equating it with "how much stuff is there" when that's not at all a definition of complexity.
It's just magnetic bits being flipped.
It's physical material having it's properties changed to interact with other physical systems.
Likewise, the circuits in the computer are either powered or unpowered, but are equally complex either way.
Again, you're not defining what you mean by "complex". Complexity, in any definition, refers to systems interacting. Unpowered or low usage circuits are not interacting interacting as much.
Seriously, what definition of "complex" or "complexity" are you using?