Thankfully the USA left home a long time ago. We are no longer to blame.
You're just jealous because you Scottish still have the English training wheels on ;)
i've made some updates to the user section of the site.
besides some cosmetic tweaks the most notable new feature is the ability to see a listing of the topics someone has posted on - this includes topics they started as well as topics they replied to.. it will look like this when you go to a user page or your own profile page:.
Thankfully the USA left home a long time ago. We are no longer to blame.
You're just jealous because you Scottish still have the English training wheels on ;)
i've made some updates to the user section of the site.
besides some cosmetic tweaks the most notable new feature is the ability to see a listing of the topics someone has posted on - this includes topics they started as well as topics they replied to.. it will look like this when you go to a user page or your own profile page:.
You might want to select proper English as opposed to the strange lingo that has evolved in the former colony.
That's racist against New Zealand.
this is how robert ingersoll responded to a fundamentalist's question, 'what if it's the truth?
' back in the 19th century.
"why," they say to me, "suppose all this should turn out to be true, and you should come to the day of judgement and find all these things to be true.
i watched a documentary last night where they found old bones and spear heads in mexico.
this work was originally started in the 60s but they went back over the decades.
the main researcher dated the items at about 20,000 years old.
Any way my details may be a bit off but the questions mainly is, in the show its show these people using several different dating techniques and yet no two were even close to each other Why???
Because these guys that wrote the book this video is based on are cranks that distort, cherry pick and use out of context "science" to somehow connect the history of humans with their Brahmic Veda religion. They don't want it to match.
do you get confused sometimes whether this site is a discussion forum or a debating forum ?.
just asking.
whats your thoughts.. smiddy.
And by the way, there is nothing formal or in the least bit professional or even mannerly, in the 'debates' that happen regularly on here.
lol, Robert's Rules ...... I doubt if anyone reading this ever even heard of them.
Assuming you meant Robert's Rules of Order, it's a guide for parliamentary procedure, not online discussion and, as such, contains guidelines (not rules) for obtaining the floor, speaking, ensuring everyone is using the same language and is on the same footing (i.e., not suggesting, as you did, that other people are stupid), making motions, etc..
It's got nothing to do with online debate, debate teams, etc.
well, the switchover happened - there were a couple of things i had to fix which meant the posting was disabled for longer than i planned but it's now enabled and some people have already posted.. if you have any questions about the new format or suggestions on how to improve it, please post them here.. if you are having trouble signing in or posting then you'll need to email me instead.. many thanks to everyone for their patience during the changeover !.
*sigh*, you're a software engineer, the answer is supposed to be "that's a new feature, not a bug".
Seriously, though, thanks for changing that!
/BTW, technically I know that wasn't a bug, per se, but the joke doesn't work otherwise. At least I didn't have to fill out a DCR or anything.
well, the switchover happened - there were a couple of things i had to fix which meant the posting was disabled for longer than i planned but it's now enabled and some people have already posted.. if you have any questions about the new format or suggestions on how to improve it, please post them here.. if you are having trouble signing in or posting then you'll need to email me instead.. many thanks to everyone for their patience during the changeover !.
One thing I miss is the ability to see every topic I've posted on when I click on my name, like the old "Topics Posted On" link (may be there and I just can't find it) and the ability to go directly to the last page of a thread from the Topics pages. Nevermind that one, just saw Simon's post on it.
Those are minor, otherwise everything seems fine.
red cross had a blood drive near me, i decided to go give blood.
i hydrated well, ate some red meat for the iron last night and at lunch, we and gave a pint of blood.
i felt mildly embarrassed, i had no idea what my blood type was.
red cross had a blood drive near me, i decided to go give blood.
i hydrated well, ate some red meat for the iron last night and at lunch, we and gave a pint of blood.
i felt mildly embarrassed, i had no idea what my blood type was.
try to develop some introspective humour, before the next donation.
remember you did a cogent self-analysis.
What an ignorant thing to say.
red cross had a blood drive near me, i decided to go give blood.
i hydrated well, ate some red meat for the iron last night and at lunch, we and gave a pint of blood.
i felt mildly embarrassed, i had no idea what my blood type was.
Red Cross had a blood drive near me, I decided to go give blood. I hydrated well, ate some red meat for the iron last night and at lunch, we and gave a pint of blood. I felt mildly embarrassed, I had no idea what my blood type was.
Anyway, still doing some firsts after life as a JW. This one was giving back and felt really good!