It shouldn't surprise us that information and even facts can be suppressed by powerful institutions for their own agendas, protecting their "status quo" so to speak.
Science is rewarded ONLY for changing the status quo. If you think scientists, in general, are interested in preserving the status quo, you've science exactly backwards.
As far as the Brahmic Veda connection, at least it was no where mention in the film and I doubt that can be tied to any of the original archaeologist at the site as a motive for their work.
The authors of the book and documentary are neither archeologists nor scientists of any kind. Amazing what five minutes on Google can show you.
Michael A. Cremo (born July 15, 1948), also known by his devotional name Drutakarmā dāsa, is an American freelance researcher who identifies himself as a Vedic creationist and an "alternative archeologist"[1][2][3] and argues that humans have lived on the earth for billions of years
Richard Leslie Thompson, also known as Sadaputa Dasa[4] (February 4, 1947 – September 18, 2008), was an American mathematician,[2][3] author and Gaudiya Vaishnava religious figure, known principally for his promotion of Vedic creationism[5] and as the co-author (with Michael Cremo) of Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race (1993), which has been widely criticised by the scientific community
One thing for sure is that this site has been shut down by powerful entities who are not concerned about the story these artifacts tell.
In what way is that "for sure"?