Viviane are you stating that all the dating processes used were manipulated by the makers of the documentary?
Did I say that?
Or these guys that dated the material not experts in their field?
Did I say that?
I would think if there was a conspiracy by the creators of the show or the ones in it, they would of had some consistency in the dating not the wide range of dating that came out.
They guys who created the material the documentary is based on are Vedic creationists. Like every other creationist out there pushing an agenda that doesn't comport with reality, they seek to cause confusion. They use outliers or mistakes and distort data to prop up their agenda. Their agenda, BTW, is to push their version of creationism. Consistent scientific results show the opposite of what they want, it's in their interest to have conflicting results. There is no conspiracy, they are simply and utterly misrepresenting data in every way they can.
Im not sure if this happens at other sites as well but how can any dating science be taken seriously if no two can come up with the same timeline?
You are being lied to and falling for it.