There, this will suffice. A son was always given his fathers name, not his mothers. It was part of their culture. Hence, because your example in Ruth does not follow this proscribed method of naming at all - it is not an example.
Whoa, slow down there, turbo dog. We are not discussing what Jesus name was as part of his community, we were discussing, and I'll quote you here, "The referrence to him as the son of Mary". If you want to discuss what his name would have been, that's fine and it's great, but it's an entirely different conversation. As I have shown, he WAS referred to as "son of Joseph" if you want to get into nameing, but, according to you, we are discussing a reference to him, not what his name would have been.
What you've not done is show that no one else, ever, in Jewish history, was referred to as being the son of their mother.
You also continue to refuse listing your owned sources and reference works.
I've been using your sources and the Bible. You assured me they were reliable. Do you now dispute that?
This tells me you are not really interested in anything but an argument, and have not actually studied anything what so ever.
Given the personal attacks and ignorance you've displayed so far, it's not surprising at all that you would continue that trend. This is, in fact, at least the fifth time you said you were done. I assume at some point you actually will be.
You are not worth responding to, and I mean no offense. You stand discredited, good day and farewell.
Yeah, you keep saying that. So far none of that has been true.
But as of this post, I will be ignoring any and all further posts by viv in the future that do not include a reference to book title, author, page number and paragraph supporting any and all statements she makes.
You forgot edition. If you want to rise above amateur, you'll need to include that. If you are going to steal my idea, at least steal it properly. It just feels like you're not even trying when can't even properly steal an idea.