JoinedPosts by Viviane
If you live near the Bowers Museum, Santa Ana, California, you may like to visit this exhibition
by fulltimestudent inin 1986, workman near the chinese city of chengdu (in sichuan province) dug up some 200 relics of an unknown civilisation:.
the bronze castings showed a high level of technical skill, but interestingly there was also this:.
elephants in china, and important to the elite that ordered the fabrication of the masks, some obviously large enough to be fitted to an elephant's head?
That's amazing. There are still mysteries to be solved and that's exciting and incredible. -
USING CONTEXT to understand 'supernatural' Jesus
by TerryWalstrom into 27 b.c.e.. in the years of roman republic, no man was called a god (or even a king).
however, 200 years of peace under a ruler imperator, (emperor) gradually relaxed the fears of romans of having a dictator.
surely the gods had bestowed unusual approval!
Viviane: please stop with the insults / non-constructive comments and stick to the topic.
I've not insulted anyone, nor strayed from topic unless directly address by an OT comment, Simon.
I can understand how, even though factual, using the word "ignorant" to describe a lack of knowledge can feel insulting. I apologize if that bothered you JD. In the future, should anyone decide to make OT comments about my personal life, education, financial situation, etc., I will not use the word "ignorant" to describe those comments. I'll simply point out politely that it is irrelevant, personal and a subject they don't have any details on and to please refrain from commenting on.
USING CONTEXT to understand 'supernatural' Jesus
by TerryWalstrom into 27 b.c.e.. in the years of roman republic, no man was called a god (or even a king).
however, 200 years of peace under a ruler imperator, (emperor) gradually relaxed the fears of romans of having a dictator.
surely the gods had bestowed unusual approval!
Viv I don't know if you realize you're doing it, but you are a destructive, negative presence here. I have no problem with people with different opinions and beliefs. But I do have a problem with any who attempt to force that opinion or belief on me
No one has tried to force any belief on you.
In both of the threads in which you have responded to me, you positioned so called facts. Some of which I'd concede can be argued, such as el and Yahweh. But you were proven wrong on other subjects and it didn't even register to you, you ignored it and continued to harrass me and instigate an argument rather than have a civil discussion.
Regardless of you thinking I was wrong, this is a discussion forum. If you can't handle civil debate without getting personal, you're free to not post to me ever again. In fact, you promised to not respond to me several time yet, here you are claiming harassment. Hardly.
I spent about 5 minutes reviewing your treatment of others besides myself, and found you're behavior is a pattern. You're a destructive force here that always seems to end up in an argument because of how you address others. I have flagged all the posts in which you were being instigative and harassing for the sake of it, rather than for any real discussion.
So quit posting to me, then. No one is forcing you to.
I do apologize however, for the few snide remarks I did make toward you. No matter how you addressed me, I should have remained completely civil. Having said that, I sincerely hope your behavior is reviewed by an admin. I also invite any who read this to review both this thread entirely and this before passing judgment:
Apology accepted. No one ever insulted you, stop trying to have a pity party for yourself. Feel 100% free to stop following me around and complaining to mother and never speak to me again.
As I move further away from theWT.....
by Viviane ini've, over the years, looked into many religions.
obviously, from those that have seen me post here, i've become an atheist simply because i couldn't find any reason to believe in god.
recently, though, over the past few months, a new change has started.
“Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived.”― Isaac Asimov -
USING CONTEXT to understand 'supernatural' Jesus
by TerryWalstrom into 27 b.c.e.. in the years of roman republic, no man was called a god (or even a king).
however, 200 years of peace under a ruler imperator, (emperor) gradually relaxed the fears of romans of having a dictator.
surely the gods had bestowed unusual approval!
Not so, if you review all of Viv's comments you will find this individual to be a disrespectful, argumentative, insulting person. I only responded in kind, I did not invite it.
Look out, we're having a pity party over here.
Exactly what is the HISTORIC view of the DIVINE or of what being GOD meant long ago?
by TerryWalstrom inthe purpose of this topic is twofold.. first, any who are endlessly fascinated by scholarship, practised by genuine bible scholars, are urged by me to do what i did, subscribe to bart ehrman's blog.
the subscription money (as little as $3.95) goes entirely to charity.. secondarily, by broadening our view of the new testament era on up through two millennia to the present day, our knowledge of all things 'christian' is deepened to include actual knowledge (as opposed to watchtower fabrication.
by this i don't mean to imply you'll fall to your knees and get saved, but rather, you'll simply have facts to inform your present transitional mindset toward whatever end you finally choose.. now .
The God yahweh was never given "properties" the God could not have, and certainly none it could not have because said properties already belonged to El.
But El wasn't Yahweh. There's the category error.
Technically, all of this is theory. Looking up, I'm finding references stating this is really all theory since it's written like ancient Hebrew in that the full word isn't there
You're quoting me from a different thread. Please post on that thread if you wish to discuss that topic and don't muddy Terry's thread with it.
USING CONTEXT to understand 'supernatural' Jesus
by TerryWalstrom into 27 b.c.e.. in the years of roman republic, no man was called a god (or even a king).
however, 200 years of peace under a ruler imperator, (emperor) gradually relaxed the fears of romans of having a dictator.
surely the gods had bestowed unusual approval!
xoWell, at least you know you're making stuff up and not hiding it.
USING CONTEXT to understand 'supernatural' Jesus
by TerryWalstrom into 27 b.c.e.. in the years of roman republic, no man was called a god (or even a king).
however, 200 years of peace under a ruler imperator, (emperor) gradually relaxed the fears of romans of having a dictator.
surely the gods had bestowed unusual approval!
You are not as knowledgeable as you think you are, and appear to be a bit of a would be bully.
Yeah, that's hilarious. "Failure to comply" wrapped with personal insults and constant threats to leave in a huff only to come back with more threats of failure to comply with insults and more threats to leave. It's quite comical watching JD attempt to distort research, what the Bible says and his own words (while declaring his words to be assured) in an attempt to justify his belief system.
Apparently "not backing down" is now being a bully. Boo hoo!
USING CONTEXT to understand 'supernatural' Jesus
by TerryWalstrom into 27 b.c.e.. in the years of roman republic, no man was called a god (or even a king).
however, 200 years of peace under a ruler imperator, (emperor) gradually relaxed the fears of romans of having a dictator.
surely the gods had bestowed unusual approval!
luck would be on your side Terry.
most of these 41,000 divisions are along the lines of tradition, governance, and organization. In fact, as far as the truth being taught most of the 41,000 are theologically identical.That presupposes those divisions, no matter how tiny, aren't important or that the divisions are all about tradition and organizations or than Christianity is true or that any of those 41000 denominations are right.
USING CONTEXT to understand 'supernatural' Jesus
by TerryWalstrom into 27 b.c.e.. in the years of roman republic, no man was called a god (or even a king).
however, 200 years of peace under a ruler imperator, (emperor) gradually relaxed the fears of romans of having a dictator.
surely the gods had bestowed unusual approval!
This is what I have done myself. Which is why the factual statements made in these threads by me are assured. I.e, viv apparently didn't grasp that saying Yeshua ben Yosef is his actual name
Wow. Proclaiming yourself and proclamations to be assured if the first sign of delusional grandeur. Fortunately, we have a record of this most recent episode of duplicity on your behalf. For your benefit,I will quote me quoting you: We are not discussing what Jesus name was as part of his community, we were discussing, and I'll quote you here, "The referrence to him as the son of Mary". If you want to discuss what his name would have been, that's fine and it's great, but it's an entirely different conversation. As I have shown, he WAS referred to as "son of Joseph" if you want to get into nameing, but, according to you, we are discussing a reference to him, not what his name would have been.
You never said anything about his NAME until you needed to change the subject. If it is delusions of grandeur that prevent you from acknowledging your own words, see a doctor. If it's simply an inability to be wrong because of some belief system, well, you've been caught lying.
The surety in responses to my unchangable facts is, indeed, very repugnant to me.
That sucks for you, eh?