The evidence is clear and overwhelming that vaccines are beneficial and save numerous lives as well as saving many from horrible afflictions.
Well said, Simon. The simple fact of the matter is that vaccinations work. I will repeat that for emphasis.
They save AT LEAST 20x the amount of people that have adverse reactions from measles related death alone without even discussing debilitating after effects. No more iron lungs or wheel chairs for children, no more smallpox, sterilization or scarring, no more pertussis, mumps, rubella, shingles, brain damage or other infectious diseases.
I would go so far as to say it's not even numerous, it's innumerable. It's millions, at least, lives helped that we are talking about. More likely billions since vaccinations were introduced in a widespread fashion in the 50's.
Vaccinations work. Not getting your children vaccinated is willfully ignorant and risking lives.