JoinedPosts by Viviane
Please vaccinate your children
by Viviane inand remember your boosters as adults!.
currently there is a measles outbreak in the u.s. the outbreak is clustered into communities where parents choose not to get their children vaccinated.
vaccination works primarily on herd immunity.
It's the cost of having a society, Twitch, you are correct. We have to balance personal rights and beliefs with the needs of society at large. -
When a Witness claim the uniqueness of Bible and its accurate prophecies!
by abiather inwith the bulletin of atomic scientists moving its iconic doomsday clock up 2 minutes on 23.01.2015 (which means we are just three minutes closer to midnight in comparison to 17 minutes to midnight in 1991), and predicting the end of the world as early as 2017, subject of last days is getting heated up again..
next time you have a witness boasts about the uniqueness of biblical propheciesespecially about last days, you can point the following photographic description of our times found in srimad bhagavatam, one of the ancient scriptures written even before the bible:.
1) religion, truthfulness, cleanliness, tolerance, mercy, duration of life, physical strength and memory will all diminish day by day because of the powerful influence of the age of kali (age of unrigteousness).12.2.1.
My subject is ENTROPY.
That's an extremely dishonest thing to say. Your initial OP never mentioned entropy at all, and now it's your subject? That's wasn't true and it's changing your subject. Your subject was how a pre-Biblical prophecy (which wasn't pre-Biblical) proved that the the Bible wasn't unique in proving the world was getting worse (which every statistic shows isn't true).
You've since attempted to introduce evolution of the mind, body and somehow tie physics into it to prove your points. So far you've failed to do any of that.
All you've done is fail to connect entropy, your new thing, to prophecy and how anecdotes don't prove your pre-determined ideas.
Please vaccinate your children
by Viviane inand remember your boosters as adults!.
currently there is a measles outbreak in the u.s. the outbreak is clustered into communities where parents choose not to get their children vaccinated.
vaccination works primarily on herd immunity.
The evidence is clear and overwhelming that vaccines are beneficial and save numerous lives as well as saving many from horrible afflictions.
Well said, Simon. The simple fact of the matter is that vaccinations work. I will repeat that for emphasis.
They save AT LEAST 20x the amount of people that have adverse reactions from measles related death alone without even discussing debilitating after effects. No more iron lungs or wheel chairs for children, no more smallpox, sterilization or scarring, no more pertussis, mumps, rubella, shingles, brain damage or other infectious diseases.
I would go so far as to say it's not even numerous, it's innumerable. It's millions, at least, lives helped that we are talking about. More likely billions since vaccinations were introduced in a widespread fashion in the 50's.
Vaccinations work. Not getting your children vaccinated is willfully ignorant and risking lives.
Please vaccinate your children
by Viviane inand remember your boosters as adults!.
currently there is a measles outbreak in the u.s. the outbreak is clustered into communities where parents choose not to get their children vaccinated.
vaccination works primarily on herd immunity.
What this article fails to mention is according to there were over 145000 measles deaths globally in 2013.
It also fails to mention that, prior to vaccination, there were several hundred measles deaths per year. So, over a 10 year period, 108 deaths vs. at LEAST 2000 in the same period. The measles vaccine reduces death by a factor of 20x.
Please vaccinate your children
by Viviane inand remember your boosters as adults!.
currently there is a measles outbreak in the u.s. the outbreak is clustered into communities where parents choose not to get their children vaccinated.
vaccination works primarily on herd immunity.
But in the March 2011 edition of the Awake they vaccinations can help and that soap and water was a do-it-yourself vaccine. What am I supposed to believe? -
Jehovah Witness promotion of as the place to get answers to all of lifes important question is the height of arrogance
by Brokeback Watchtower inwe are hearing reports of this promotion of the website by the jw and it seems to be a resource for them to dodge questions of their faith, when they don't have or want to give an answer to a question they direct the house holder to the organization/corporation's website to get the answer as if it really existed.there.. i think soon they are going to drop the door to door work all together as completely unprofitable, i mean their donation arrangement is a complete flop and has cost them i'm sure so they are in the process of shipping as many as they can into building up real estate for the corporation, because that is where the money is right now.. the whole is just a complete failure as a source of good information and only scare away people except the most vulnerable/gullible.. .
Viviane - If the website didn't answer all of your questions, then you clearly don't have the right heart condition and you aren't worth her time.
It was a pretty funny discussion, OEJ. They used a leaflet "Would you like to know the Truth". Question 1 was "Does God really care about us"....I don't believe in God, then they asked how I thought we got here, I said "That a great question, we know that evolution was a part of the process, but the specifics of how life got started and exactly how it evolved are a great question that science is still looking into".
That turned into a discussion on logic and how every mystery ever solved turned out to not be magic. Eventually, the JW's admitted that something that exist without a creator and that evolution is real.
Jehovah Witness promotion of as the place to get answers to all of lifes important question is the height of arrogance
by Brokeback Watchtower inwe are hearing reports of this promotion of the website by the jw and it seems to be a resource for them to dodge questions of their faith, when they don't have or want to give an answer to a question they direct the house holder to the organization/corporation's website to get the answer as if it really existed.there.. i think soon they are going to drop the door to door work all together as completely unprofitable, i mean their donation arrangement is a complete flop and has cost them i'm sure so they are in the process of shipping as many as they can into building up real estate for the corporation, because that is where the money is right now.. the whole is just a complete failure as a source of good information and only scare away people except the most vulnerable/gullible.. .
We are hearing reports of this promotion of the website by the JW and it seems to be a resource for them to dodge questions of their faith, when they don't have or want to give an answer to a question they direct the house holder to the Organization/Corporation's website to get the answer as if it really existed.there.
A couple of JWs stopped by my house last month and that's exactly what they did. I didn't tell them I was DF'ed, we just had a conversation about why logically God doesn't make sense and evolution is true (on of the JWs even admitted evolution was real), eventually they just said that JW.ORG could answer all of my questions.
I saw one of the JW ladies in the store about a week later, she asked if I had visited the website. I said that I had but it didn't answer any more questions. She didn't push for a return visit or anything. It seemed as if the was that if one visit and a website hit couldn't convince me, time to move on!
Please vaccinate your children
by Viviane inand remember your boosters as adults!.
currently there is a measles outbreak in the u.s. the outbreak is clustered into communities where parents choose not to get their children vaccinated.
vaccination works primarily on herd immunity.
You just knew the anti-science people would jump into this one.
I did, but no conversation on this topic can be had without the loonies showing up.
If you don't want to vaccinate your kids, great; just get out of my country.
I would no go that far, just don't let them go to public school or to any college that gets government funding. Make it a requirement for any business (or anyone it does business with) that does business with the federal government to have immunization records for it's employees. Insurance companies should make it a requirement to get health insurance.
If an outbreak does happen, require that they get the vaccine to go to the doctor. Basically, adopt a "you are free not to get it, you're just going to be extremely limited in the way you can spread disease".
BTW, it will be your kids who get it, mine have been vaccinated.
Well, unless they are very young, have compromised immune systems, older adults, cancer patients, etc. Yes, my kids and yours are fine, but those other innocent victims count on herd immunity to protect them and anti-vaxxers put them as well as their own children at risk and THAT is the core of the problem. It's NOT just their kids they put at risk. Their kids are literally walking time bombs of disease spreading to innocent victims through irresponsibility.
Please vaccinate your children
by Viviane inand remember your boosters as adults!.
currently there is a measles outbreak in the u.s. the outbreak is clustered into communities where parents choose not to get their children vaccinated.
vaccination works primarily on herd immunity.
everybody here needs to see these
DANGER! DANGER!!!!!!!!!! DO NOT get VACCINESMaishas, rather than write hair-on-fire-all-caps-OMG, do you have actual evidence? Not anecdotes, not something a guy heard from a guy that knows a guy. Actual evidence.
Please vaccinate your children
by Viviane inand remember your boosters as adults!.
currently there is a measles outbreak in the u.s. the outbreak is clustered into communities where parents choose not to get their children vaccinated.
vaccination works primarily on herd immunity.
Speaking from first hand knowledge:
Actual knowledge:
You can find an anecdote to prove anything.