I loved Atlas Shrugged. Everyone should read it, unless you hate thinking.
I did read it. I thought it was a hamfisted poorly written idiotic piece of crap dedicated to justifying being a selfish asshole dedicated to the proposition of "I got mine! Screw you!"
Interestingly, Ayn Rand, after preach for years about self reliance and not taking anything and how handouts were for losers and government assistance was for the weak, ended up on social benefits. She was an idiotic hypocrite dedicated to fueling her own selfish desires no matter who it hurt and was only able to do that through the support of others and government. Ayn Rand was, in a word, shit.
I believe when people work hard they should be able to enjoy the fruits of their labor and when it becomes easier to not work because you lose your food stamps, your rent goes up, and you lose your heath insurance, there is going to be a problem. I can't tell you how many people I know that are in that position,
Objectivism has nothing to do with any of that.Health insurance is anathema to objectivism. That makes you a weakling reliant on others in Ayn Rand's philosophy. The fruits of your labor are only deserved if you screw over everyone else to selfishly get it.
When there are less and less workers paying taxes to support these people what will happen? When people loose their incentive to work it's not a good thing.
In the objectivist world, you would let those people die. After all, you got yours. Screw them. \
I am not against charity for people in need and contribute a lot of money.
Ayn Rand would call you a fool. It's quite interesting how many "fans" of Atlas Shrugged, Anthem, the Fountainhead and objectivism don't actually understand what it means in practice and taken to it's logical conclusion.