It is simply an observation on the pot calling the kettle 'black.'
In what way? The topic requested opinions on Ayn Rand. That was what I offered. It didn't ask for opinions about another guy.
But, snipes and catcalls from the bleachers are merely interruptions and often lead to bad manners.
Which is exactly why I asked about you sniping at someone else who offered his opinion on Ayn Rand, which is the topic.
Now, in response what do we see? Is there discussion? Or, is there peremptory dismissal?
You got a specific reason why I found Adler to be lacking. What were you expecting?
You see, I think it is good to express yourself with alternatives and suggested options for others to consider. If you consider path A to be worthless, then suggested path B and tell why it is better.
You got that. What were you expecting?