Seems to me that your latest post show that you have learned "something" from the dialogue posted on this Forum
How to spot trolls?
first law of thermodynamics, that energy cannot be created or destroyed but changed from one form to another.
how does that fit in with god and the big bang to you?
does it make one make more sense then the other to you?
Seems to me that your latest post show that you have learned "something" from the dialogue posted on this Forum
How to spot trolls?
to start off with let me clarify that by asshole atheism i am not referring to strong atheism or any other type of upfront atheism.
what i am referring to is the belligerent, hateful atheism that smacks of trolls and other types who want to derail conversation or comments at any cost..
i enjoy hearing comments from both sides of the subjects of theism, nationalism or politics, especially from those who have intense opinions.
This is what I was referring to and I have come across it many times. Fortunately not very often these days as we do not have the endless atheists versus believers threads that were prevalent a few years ago. You only arrived a year ago so I suppose it is understandable that you haven't seen them. I take it this is why you asked for an example, I hope you weren't accusing me of lying.
No, I was just asking for an example.
crofty can you please break this article and main points down for the average individuals to understand, i found this article and thought of you, thought you might be interested in this topic too.
i don't fully understand it, can you please help us, you are our "resident expert" on this topic!
will you please break it down for us as to what it means and how it affects us brains?
I can give you a link which explains the specifics:
Excellent. I didn't ask for a link, however. I asked YOU. Can you, personally, explain to me what a Delta frequency is, how it allows you to communicate with God, etc.
first law of thermodynamics, that energy cannot be created or destroyed but changed from one form to another.
how does that fit in with god and the big bang to you?
does it make one make more sense then the other to you?
I had a problem understanding that teaching because I thought that if something physical existed as a singularity as astronomical its size nevertheless it was finite of limited size, it had some definite measurement( although impossible to measure) I also had a problem understanding the laws of the singularity and how and why it changed and exploded.
What huh? Can you re-do that sentence?
I also had a problem understanding the laws of the singularity and how and why it changed and exploded. I also had a problem understanding that the singularity existed before time. It is very disturbing not being able to understand it when I gave it thought
I cannot understand how anything physical can be infinite,
You've defined your problem at the outset when you wrote " I did not do much research"
crofty can you please break this article and main points down for the average individuals to understand, i found this article and thought of you, thought you might be interested in this topic too.
i don't fully understand it, can you please help us, you are our "resident expert" on this topic!
will you please break it down for us as to what it means and how it affects us brains?
Continue your practice and search--you will definitely reach Delta frequency.
What, specifically, is Delta frequency? How does turning off your senses get you there? Why, other than the obvious joke, do you have to stop thinking in order to get there? Why does it allow you to connect with God? How is that communication established?
Please, be specific.
crofty can you please break this article and main points down for the average individuals to understand, i found this article and thought of you, thought you might be interested in this topic too.
i don't fully understand it, can you please help us, you are our "resident expert" on this topic!
will you please break it down for us as to what it means and how it affects us brains?
Science worked as it should but the stories the public saw were that a once in a generation discovery had been made followed a few months later by a "scientists were wrong yet again" headline. I would argue scientists should know better than to trumpet research before peer review is concluded, but the pressure to grab attention is all too often a driving force.
So, the issue is reporting. If you look at what the people doing the research actually say it's rarely what is reported in the headlines written by someone else entirely.
first law of thermodynamics, that energy cannot be created or destroyed but changed from one form to another.
how does that fit in with god and the big bang to you?
does it make one make more sense then the other to you?
Check out this post I found, another school of thought that challenges any believed absolute authority.
No so much "school" as "random crackpot you found".
I'll try to answer them to the best of my abilities.
CL, Fisherman has admitted he isn't here to learn. He is trying to talk about God and the Bible being a science book.
to start off with let me clarify that by asshole atheism i am not referring to strong atheism or any other type of upfront atheism.
what i am referring to is the belligerent, hateful atheism that smacks of trolls and other types who want to derail conversation or comments at any cost..
i enjoy hearing comments from both sides of the subjects of theism, nationalism or politics, especially from those who have intense opinions.
Now one of them will indignantly tell me atheism is not a religion and therefore people cannot be converted to it. Lol. A singular lack of interest in the arts makes some incapable of understanding the use of poetic licence as an art form.
Do you have a specific example of someone indignantly pointing out this truth and being incapable of understanding poetic license?
In my normal life outside this forum I never discuss religion or faith at all - unless I bump into JWs with their trolleys. However this is a religious discussion forum. It is a place explicitly for the purpose of exploring matters of belief.
That is also true of me, but living in a very religious area and having fou churches within six blocks of my house means religions comes up quite a bit in situations where it has no real particular place. I usually try to decline the conversation a few times and if they persist, then proceed in asking questions about the BIble and their blood cult until they angrily tell me I am going to hell (whereas in the beginning they only wanted to politely tell me I was going to hell).
At least they won't bother me again.
to start off with let me clarify that by asshole atheism i am not referring to strong atheism or any other type of upfront atheism.
what i am referring to is the belligerent, hateful atheism that smacks of trolls and other types who want to derail conversation or comments at any cost..
i enjoy hearing comments from both sides of the subjects of theism, nationalism or politics, especially from those who have intense opinions.
I guess that depends on how insulted you feel about stuff you don't believe in by people that don't care about you. Sticks and stones IMO.
Insulted? Most people have no idea what real insults are. Those that can't swim in the deep end shouldn't jump in the pool.
But I don't think that person is indicative of all believers.
All believer, by definition, believe in things with out evidence, leading us to...
And even though they believe in something I don't, as long as no harm is done and we all go about our lives, who cares?
Religion often has harm on in it's name, particularly when religious beliefs are allowed to penetrate secular law and society. We are all better off for having our beliefs challenged and not being allowed with getting away with saying terrible things in the name of love. This planet is ours and our children's garden, if you don't tend it, you've no right to complain about the weeds.
For you. For others, perhaps it's different.
Only until they try that on me. Then it's absolutely no different.
i'm new here but not new to researching and questioning the jw beliefs.
i have quite a story.... one that's been haunting me for awhile... but first, i'd like to hear what people have to say about this topic question, please.. -gigi.