I bet writing anti-christian literature pays better producing research papers.
You could find out, but that would require work and possibly math.
Judging from friends and family, people who claim to have interest in Science , never really seem to have much of an interest in science outside of finding reasons to argue with religious people. It seems to more of a liberal arts thing, disguising itself in the guise of higher learning.
So... you've no actual grasp of science or how it works, yet feel that based on that ignorance and god-given gut instinct, you can pass judgement on it.Got it.
I have a few doctors and engineers in the family and they could care less about the origins of the species. It always seems to be the political science major that figures they have all the mysteries of the planet figured out.
Yes, we get it. You know someone and don't understand what they do or what they know and then make up stuff about other people. What of it?