What is your basis for reasoning on this?
The 100% failure rate of everyone attempting to interpret Bible prophecies.
It's one of the rules for the prophecy game. If you want to play the game you have to accept the rules.
Fantastic! Please show me where these rules are, that they are work and aren't simply a made up load of bunk designed to excuse failed speculation and prediction.
I could list more versions but they all seem to indicate that understanding will emerge from an increase of knowledge
Actually, none of them say that. This is a case of layering on things that aren't in the text, a typical prophecy trick. They say knowledge will grow, you are adding on the understanding part yourself. It's not actually part of the text in any way.
So, we have a 100% failure rate, some vague mention of "rules" that no one has seen, aren't published and give a convenient out whenever a predictor is wrong and a fabrication at worst, misunderstanding a best, of what the Bible actually says.
So, why should anyone, given this, listen to ANY end time prophecy?