JoinedPosts by Viviane
One day assembly
by Sour Grapes inat a recent one day assembly i walked away with the thought that the wtbts sure does not like witnesses who have the opportunity to make a good living.
there were, in one day, three experiences of witnesses who turned down "6 figure salaries" because there would be some traveling involved and some meetings would be missed as well as missing family worship night.
i thought it strange that the exact phrase was used of "6 figure salary".
It's all a lie. There is no glut of Witnesses turning down six figure salaries to pioneer. -
Indiana "Religious Freedom" (right to discriminate)
by Simon insickening to see the photo of the religious zealots all stood around the governor signing into law the right for people to discriminate against others (gay, lesbian, trans-gender) based purely on religious dogma.. if religious people want those freedoms then the can't have it both ways - they cannot complain if *they* are discriminated against.. "sorry, we don't like zionists, get out".
"oh, it's some special mass and you can't work your shift?
you're fired!"..
You do realize that the junior Senator from Illinois, Barack Obama, voted yea on the Federal law?
Yes. I do. why do you ask?
How could a Constitutional scholar vote for such a law? How could soi disant 'stupid people' elect a man for the highest office in the nation who would support such a law?
Because of several reasons. I assume you understand those reasons, so I won't patronize you by pretending you don't. However, none of those reasons means this current law that is based in ignorance of religion, fear and intolerance is right in any way.
This is the background to why states began enacting their own RFRAs. Again, State's interest is the question, and the free market will provide the answer, not lawsuits.
Yes, I am aware of that. There is, as far as I am aware, no religious ban on making cakes for, arranging flowers for, selling a car to or fixing a dishwasher for a gay person. The government has a compelling interest in promoting the economy and business and this hampers it. This law, specifically designed to allow one group to discriminates against another group because they live in fear of sexuality does none, not one, of this things it is claimed to be for.
As usual, Christians get it exactly backwards.
Jesus Saves From What? March 2015 Watchtower Article
by Perry ini just skimmed the titled article on and once again the watchtower is misdirecting:. .
they try and make the old case that jesus saves us from being destroyed at armageddon.
This thread is mostly about what Jesus saves us from, contrasting a WT view with an historical Christian view.
Jesus is saving us from his own threat to torture-murder us all unless we love him.
Indiana "Religious Freedom" (right to discriminate)
by Simon insickening to see the photo of the religious zealots all stood around the governor signing into law the right for people to discriminate against others (gay, lesbian, trans-gender) based purely on religious dogma.. if religious people want those freedoms then the can't have it both ways - they cannot complain if *they* are discriminated against.. "sorry, we don't like zionists, get out".
"oh, it's some special mass and you can't work your shift?
you're fired!"..
The misguided outrage over Indiana's RFRA is out of hand.
Correct. It needs to be more focused, like a laser that can surgically cut the stupid out people that pass useless and bad laws like this.
A couple questions for atheists on Suffering
by little_Socrates inwho told you that the world should be free from suffering?.
do you find any value in suffering?.
do you think it is possible to experience all the beauty and goodness and pleasure the world offers without also experiencing the bad?
viv, atheists who only want to see suffering in moral terms have had their say
First, you are saying this as if I get a "turn" and you get to decide when it's over. That's not reality. You've no ability to determine when anyone has had their "say".
Suffering does not always require moralizing. Why can't we see suffering in terms of good and and bad.
That's exactly what we are talking about. You are saying there is value in suffering, some sort of good. Child rape is suffering, therefore you are claiming there is value in child rape, or a child having leukemia or drowning in a tsunami.
That is a disgusting view.
Child rape is very bad and victims need to be heard. Perpetrators need to be brought to justice. I have said this all along.
Yet you claim there is value in it.
But shifting the terms of this discussion does not mean that I think child rape is good or even neutral but it means that we can ask if anything of value can even come out of something so horrendous. many victims can say yes.
Oh, no, dear. No. You're attempting to equate and conflate how people choose to react to a bad thing happening with your claim that there is value in the bad thing itself. Those are distinct and separate items.
You have not backed off of your claim that there is value in suffering. Child rape is suffering, therefore you claim there is value in child rape.
parents who suffer for their children - ie. up all night with a crying baby
That's not suffering unless the parents have the same disgusting and morally deranged view of the world that you do and are hurting the baby because they think suffering has value.
the tsunami has been mentioned. The story of how an entire family survived after clinging to life was truly heroic.
It's also utterly irrelevant to your view that child rape has value.
Marcus Bachmann refused service under newly-enacted Religious Freedom Law
by Giordano inthis is way to funny!
That site is fake news... -
A couple questions for atheists on Suffering
by little_Socrates inwho told you that the world should be free from suffering?.
do you find any value in suffering?.
do you think it is possible to experience all the beauty and goodness and pleasure the world offers without also experiencing the bad?
viv, I see that you trying hard to occupy the moral high ground. Well good luck with that.
Luck isn't needed as I'm not trying to occupy anything. You see value in child rape. That's disgusting and horrible.
Why attack?
by newqatarjob inas someone brought up as a jw and been an elder and been disfellowshipped (twice!!!
) i find it difficult to understand why ex jws have to attack the religion, yes religion, not cult or sect.
i am no longer disfellowshipped just do not want to practice anymore.
Right back at you OUTLAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Words are empty and meaningless, people grow up.
So we should ignore you?
Why attack?
by newqatarjob inas someone brought up as a jw and been an elder and been disfellowshipped (twice!!!
) i find it difficult to understand why ex jws have to attack the religion, yes religion, not cult or sect.
i am no longer disfellowshipped just do not want to practice anymore.
So what gives you the right to express your hatred, and others can't defend?
I am sure others can defend his hatred. Unless you meant something other than what you said.
You people want to eat the cake and have it to.
The cake is a lie.
You want to dish it out, but can't take it when someone shows how negative this forum is.
Two atoms are whizzing about in space. One of them suddenly stop and says "I think I just lost an electron." The are other atom says "Are you sure?". The first answers "I'm positive."
Since this is supposed to be an open forum, the the majority of you have violated the majority of this sites by laws, then how about no one using it, take it down by legal means would that serve your purpose?
Where did you ever get that whack-a-doodle idea?
Why attack?
by newqatarjob inas someone brought up as a jw and been an elder and been disfellowshipped (twice!!!
) i find it difficult to understand why ex jws have to attack the religion, yes religion, not cult or sect.
i am no longer disfellowshipped just do not want to practice anymore.
Censoring free speech.
So... what's wrong with censoring speech on a website?
Then this is not an open forum, and I will be justified to bring it up to the European civil rights commission, so go ahead censor me.
What do you think free speech means?
The good thing all post have been recorded from all subjects of this hate group website.
What do you think defines a hate group?
You want to play dirty pool, let’s play.
What do you think is "dirty pool"?
Oh!1 buy the way, not only you can call someone an idiot, I can to.
Or, you can prove his point.