You do realize that the junior Senator from Illinois, Barack Obama, voted yea on the Federal law?
Yes. I do. why do you ask?
How could a Constitutional scholar vote for such a law? How could soi disant 'stupid people' elect a man for the highest office in the nation who would support such a law?
Because of several reasons. I assume you understand those reasons, so I won't patronize you by pretending you don't. However, none of those reasons means this current law that is based in ignorance of religion, fear and intolerance is right in any way.
This is the background to why states began enacting their own RFRAs. Again, State's interest is the question, and the free market will provide the answer, not lawsuits.
Yes, I am aware of that. There is, as far as I am aware, no religious ban on making cakes for, arranging flowers for, selling a car to or fixing a dishwasher for a gay person. The government has a compelling interest in promoting the economy and business and this hampers it. This law, specifically designed to allow one group to discriminates against another group because they live in fear of sexuality does none, not one, of this things it is claimed to be for.
As usual, Christians get it exactly backwards.