Because you injected race into a discussion regarding religious views when the particular religious view at issue is unrelated to race.
Oh, are you unaware people use Jesus to say black people are crap? Well, they do. So, no, I didn't inject it. It's been around hundreds of years.
So, back to the question asked that you avoided: What do you think of a Miss White USA, Miss White Mississippi and Miss White Teen pageants?
Why are you bringing up race, since you are completely unaware it's part and parcel of Christian bigotry? Maybe you should learn something about the thing you are talking about?
BS. You said if it was legal it should be fine. Why do you think homophobia should be legal but not misogyny?'
Hence in this case the discussion is about illegal forms of discrimination and not legal forms of discrimination.
Yeah, too bad you said it was OK as long as the law allowed it. Try again. I am so looking forward to you explaining why discriminating against women or black people is totally not at all the same as hating gay people.
Go ahead. Give it a try.