The Washington State Attorney General seems to think the state's consumer protection laws protect against discrimination based on, among other things, religion. I would go with his opinion, unless you can demonstrate otherwise.
It's important to read what I asked you and understand it. I'll repost for your convenience... "What, specific law do you think talks about all customers and not people based on protected classes?"
As an added question, the law lists several criteria. Discrimination IS legal, but not in all situations.
The 14th amendment clearly applies to everybody. The choice available to civil servants is to not be civil servants. I also think this applies to any minister who signs marriage certificates. If they sign any, they needs to sign all of them.
Agreed 100%.
I am opposed to discrimination at all levels, for whatever reason.
I am not.
As they say, its easier to catch flies with honey.
Bigotry isn't something you want to catch.