I don't care if you think the question asked makes no sense to you or makes perfect sense to you. I've asked a question and asked that you answer it for what it asks at face value. Are you so dense you don't understand that?
I understand it and I HAVE answered you. At face value, your question doesn't make sense.
If you want help constructing a similar question that DOES make sense, I am happy to help. What I won't do is assume I know what you mean to actually ask and answer that. That's just a recipe for disaster and I am sure a person such as yourself has a high appreciation for clarity and has no wish to ask a question that isn't clear what question you are meaning to ask.
If you feel that you are unable to save face and ask for help constructing a clear question in public, feel free to PM me and I won't tell a soul about it.
The question remains. I don't need to keep repeating it. Either answer it or keep avoiding it
It keeps remaining to not make sense.