You told me my explicit answer of "No" was "BS," universally recognized as telling me I just lied, which is you telling me what I'm thinking is not what I said, which is you telling me what I think..
Exactly. You did say it was fine but for some weird reason are still denying and arguing that. I can't help it if you don't understand synonyms or bother to ask for clarification.
Me saying lack of law against gender discrimination means it's not illegal to discriminate based on gender is NOT me saying that legal discrimination based on gender is "fine" or "should be fine". It's me saying it's fine PURELY FROM A LEGAL perspective, not simply "fine".
Yep. Exactly. The problem is you assumed you knew what I meant by fine and OK and proceeded to argue from that false perspective rather than ask for clarification to help you out. Even now you're agreeing it's fine, which is exactly what I said.
Your problem is that you did exactly what you are attempting to accuse me of and someone want to claim your lack of asking for clarification is my problem.
Very weird.