This is all about a historical Jesus
I've not debated whether a man named Jesus existed. In fact, many did and that is quite well established. It was a rather common name.
not about the accuracy of the bible as we have it today.
It's well established it is NOT accurate.
As for who killed him, the Romans may have carried out the deed, but it was the Sanhedrin who ordered it.
According to the Bible they ASKED for it. Big big difference. The Sanhedrin didn't have the ability to order the Romans to do anything and that IS a historical fact.
Unless you can find any historical documents talking about a man like Jesus that ALL jews embraced and that none of them were calling for him to be put to death, but that the Romans themselves did this, then it stands it really was the Jews responsible for it.
Sorry, that's not how it works. It's a fact that, according to the Bible, the Romans killed Jesus, that it was their decision. There no actual historical documents about a man like Jesus at all, and the quasi-semi-historical documents we do have is clear that the Jews asked and the Romans agreed and did the deed.
Even the ancient contemporary scholars as my previous posts show they believed that as well.
You've not quoted any scholars, but rather religious texts promoting a clearly false and contradictory point of view.