One small, but very vocal sector of society is causing all this ruckus. It is one thing to to ensure equal treatment of people, but to elevate one segment of society to an untouchable class is totally agregious.
Or egregious, as the case may be. Regardless, rights for all means ALL. Hypocritical faux religiosity doesn't give people the right to accept public infrastructure and support and then arbitrarily decide to which part of the public they serve.
The only people who are sued are born again bible believing christians.
The issue at stake in the cake bakery is not the fact that they refused to serve gays, it is they refused to participate in a service that goes against their moral conscience. There are some businesses (fewer nowadays) that aren't willing to sacrifice their convictions for a quick buck, and this baker was one of them.
Sure they are, because they don't actually believe the Bible, they believe the parts that already agrees with them. Until they refuse to serve fornicators, people that follow another religion or start avoiding shellfish and pork, well, they don't REALLY follow the Bible and don't get to decide to make up rules it never touches on, for instance, it never says "thou shalt be free to take the icky gay money except for when it's a wedding".