Anyway Viviane to answer your question, yes I would probably be mad, however I would still be thankful to live in a country where people aren't compelled to think all alike
Sorry, but, "serving your customers" doesn't mean "think alike". I mean, let's assume you are gay and I run a vegetable stand. Are you saying I should be able to use police, fire and public health protections, accept tax breaks (all things paid for by gay people, BTW) and decide not to sell you and your boyfriend (who I am just imagine as Danny DeVito, for arguments sake) carrots and zucchini because of what I think you might decide to do with them?
Where do you draw the line? Where do you say "this is wrong"? You've already mentioned that basing discrimination on skin color is wrong, but what if someone thinks the old southern "1 drop" rule is what should be applied? Why does your chosen religion (and complete misunderstanding and selective application of that religion) mean you get to skate on providing service that you, as a person who is going to use public service and signed a public contract agreeing to serve the public can decide to break?
Why is the utter hypocrisy of serving fornicators and adulterers and gay people and taking their money fine until if for a specific ceremony not mentioned in the Bible?
But then again, what do I know?
Clearly we're all asking that.
The only time I have been discriminated against for potential gayness, was by a closeted (but self affirming, married, gay colleague), simply because I wasn't potentially gay enough--enough to sleep with him!