Although there appears to be still lacking evidence , very oddly there are incitations of God's name having been written in the New Testament , besides Jws , others speak of MATTHEW as possibly have been originally in Hebrew , but no real evidence of this found as of yet .
Matthew was never written in Hebrew or Aramaic, it was written in Koine Greek. There are no signs of translations and it fits perfectly with other examples of text written natively in that language.
Interestingly, YHWH is a modern (in the Jewish sense) invention, an amalgamation of a much older god EL and YHWH. The earliest writings about YHWH are nothing like the later writings, he was a much more personal and local god. Later, as the the proto-Jewish Semitic people became more isolated from their Semitic counterparts, YHWH began to take on the all powerful properties of EL. He lost his consort, Asherah. His brother Ba'al became his enemy.