Again, you seem to be taking upon yourself to be the spokesperson for the entire body of atheists.
Of course not. That would be ridiculous and I am frankly shocked that you would even try to make such a childish and ridiculous assertion. That's just comically bad to suggest that. I've no idea how you claiming to know how people feel, people you've never met, and me pointing out how that is impossible, means I am speaking for that person.
I mean, you aren't even getting the PoV correct of who WOULD be speaking for who since you've the person claiming knowledge of other people.
Seriously, is this your first debate with people that don't believe in invisible sky people, one you know, where facts, definitions and reality matter? Or are you trolling your own thread?
I've met enough atheists and read enough material to be sufficiently informed about what atheism stands for.
And only get to speak for exactly one person, yourself. You also have consistently attempted to conflate several points of view and gotten it wrong, so clearly you are NOT in ANY WAY sufficiently informed.
You construct what I debate as an attack on atheism, but you're wrong. I'm questioning what I perceive to be a misleading definition of what atheism is.
It's an attack on "making sense":
Anyway, you're hardly going to convince people to re-define a broad concept with many facets based the bad, very bad, ridiculous, silly and comical arguments you've presented here.