I personally don’t believe that my views are right.
After my experience with the Jehovah’s Witnesses I know that I have the ability to choose the wrong, believe I am in the right while believing in the wrong, and that I can reason along lines to keep me blindly in this wrong course.
You choose to hold views that you know are wrong? That's .... weird.
It is great that people have a place to argue and present their views here, but there is a lot of disrespect for those of other views. I don’t want to be that way, and I apologize if that may be what some see in my comments as that was not intended.
There is no respect for woo and mysticism and pretending you said something when you didn't. Totally different.
Just remember: if any of us are ex-JWs then we are the last people on earth who should recommend a view or conviction as true or more correct than another and state that someone else’s view is incorrect. Our track record shows we aren’t very good at that since it wasn’t long ago we were saying that about our Watchtower beliefs.
Please speak only for yourself and don't pretend to speak for others, people you don't know, can't possibly know or know anything about and about who you are, at best, making things up about. You only get to speak for yourself.
I feel I don’t belong here, so I will move on