All that has been shown on this thread is that what those who chose to address the topic contributed (on this small exJW forum) was not, in your opinion, close to being sufficient. That though is not evidence there is no answer that would be sufficient for you. Looking for answers to big fish questions in a small fishbowl ensures no satisfactory answer will be found
No one has provided any answer that doesn't immediately contradict either itself or reality.
In truth, Biblical questions seem to be considered entertainment here not adult discussions. I would recommend all those who believe in God and the Bible to seek other venues for their Bible discussions.
The Bible is entertainment and contains plenty of adult topics, such as tips for menstruating and pooping in hole to properly raping and taking ownership of a woman.
If you want a conversation where everyone feels fantastic at the end because it's little more than a self-referential masturbatory congratulation session with no depth or examination of beliefs as held against reality that culminates in an orgy of prayer, then yes, this forum may not quite fit the bill for that discussion type.