Since I assume you CAN read, then you should know that's not what I was talking about.
More personal attacks. Your argument is invalid.
I was talking about a common technique you use, which is to qualify what others say or think in such a way that you implicitly attack that person's intelligence, integrity and character - therefore, in essence, a sly form of ad hominem.You shouldn't expect others to read your mind nor dishonestly make claims about other people. It's quite simple, if people don't want to be accused of dishonesty, don't be dishonest. If you don't want to be accused of making false claims about other people, then don't make them. If you don't want your entire argument invalidated by opening with a pointless personal attack, then don't make personal attacks.
And then you complaint you become the recipient of ad hominem as well?
More false claims. I've never complained about it. Rather, I've come to expect it when irrational arguments are exhausted. Indeed, you opened this post with one. Rather than complain, I simply point out the reality of invalidating your own argument by going that route and move on.
In the future, please don't pretend I get offended at your attempts to insult me. Despite your attempts, you've neither managed to insult me or cause me to complain. My feelings are not so fragile that a person I don't know that misrepresents what I say on the internet has the ability to bother me. Quite the contrary, I find it pretty damn amusing that people resort to personal attacks.
Therefore, if you deceitfully claim you don't attack others personally, but merely their ideas, when if fact that's precisely what you do, how shall we call that? That's right - dishonesty.
Please show where, on this thread, I have insulted a person rather than discuss the content of the post. You imagining or pretending it happened doesn't make it reality.