If you condemn the Society for NOT changing, but then you also condemn them when they DO change in a positive way, what incentive or motive does that provide for the people at the Society to ever want to change for the better?
First, you make an error of omission, specifically not explaining what is better. How is the new better than the old? What metric are you using to make that claim and how is it objectively verifiable to others? How does it substantially change the life of Jehovah's Witnesses and their families for the better?
Also, what does that attitude look like to current Witnesses who are having doubts?
It probably looks to them like the Society has been correct in the way they describe apostates as bitter complainers who are never happy with anything the Society does.
This is the fallacy of presumption combined with a strawman. You provide no reason for making the presumption of how other people would view things. You provide no evidence for it and proceed to set an argument that you can easily knock down while attempting to make it look as if you are addressing a real issue.
And when they recently have admitted to errors and say they've been wrong in big ways in the past, some accuse them of having some secret conspiracy theory motive behind it.
To the people with this attitude: What exactly is it that you WANT the Society to do?
This is the only real meat in your post. You finally address the issue, but not for the reasons it needs to be addressed.
The reason it needs to be addressed is that they advertise they have the truth. They advertise that God gives it to them. When they make predictions and claims because they commune with God and then reverse those claims and predictions, it creates a very real issue with credibility. Was God lying to them? Were they talking to someone other than God? Were they making it up?
These questions are all important because they are just making claims about the future, they are using the justification of talking to God that affects people lives, their family, their financial status, their social status. It's important because if anyone publicly disagrees with these predicitions and rule and, often quite correctly, points out the lack of Biblical support or outright disagreement them, heavy sanctions are applied that can, quite literally, ruin a persons life.
So, rather than avoid the actual issue and use fallacies to do it, perhaps you would be better served by meditation upon the deep things, partaking of the meat rather than the milk.