what is a process? (your reply may enable clarification for both sides of this argument)
It's a word you should look up.
what is god's spirit?
i ask this of those who believe in god.
what is a process? (your reply may enable clarification for both sides of this argument)
It's a word you should look up.
what is god's spirit?
i ask this of those who believe in god.
Any significant deviation, any significant genetic mutation in any of its parts corrupts the whole system.
Well that's just wrong.
Oh, and define "significant". What does that mean in this context?
Science did not give me that. Neither did a blind process called evolution nor its mother abiogenesis.
Actually, evolution did give you that. Science is a process, I've no idea what you expect it to do on it's own.
what is god's spirit?
i ask this of those who believe in god.
In terms of evidence, God's Holy Spirit is what the spiritually blind would see if they were not spiritually blind. Explaining what it is, is like explaining the color red to a person born blind.
But, you can describe the color red to a blind person and describe real real things that produce the color red. You can also describe it in scientific terms. You can't do any of that with holy spirit. Indeed, all you can do is avoid discussing it in a way that would put you on the spot of having to describe it.
To someone that sees, no need to look for an explanation.
That's called willful ignorance.
what is god's spirit?
i ask this of those who believe in god.
I was a Witness for a long time. They used every"shame and " this is what you should think" tactic known to man. I am tired.
You mean like this line, that you wrote? "Look at who dosent [sic] post and not just who does."
So, you tell someone what to do to learn something and then complain about people talking about how to think. It IS very revealing. It reveals that people who like to complain about things are often very guilty of that thing.
what is god's spirit?
i ask this of those who believe in god.
Those atheists are the ones to read and to ask questions of. They dont have a secondary agenda.
You can find them making intelligent posts in various places.
Look at who dosent post and not just who does. It is very revealing.
Indeed it is. It is quite interesting to see someone posting on a thread say intelligent people wouldn't post on it. It's like you didn't think through that comment.
Since you seem to think people here have an agenda, let's figure that out. Who are these people? What is their agenda, specifically? How did you find this out? Did you talk to everyone? If not, how can you make claims about people you don't know and haven't talked to?
I look forward to your answers, I am sure they will be very revealing.
what is god's spirit?
i ask this of those who believe in god.
If all that atheists can add to the discussion is put downs and ad hominem jabbing insults then it doesn't bode well for defending their ideas.
No one has made an attack on HMTM. False accusations don't help anyone.
This forum would be a much more helpful place for folks seeking a way out of the clutches of the WT if instead of ridiculing each other we concentrated on exposing the abuses of confidence and human rights the JW Organization inflicts on people.
Ridicule of a person is the rarity rather than the norm and the forum already does what you want. It also engages in social topics, discussions of religion in general, critical thinking and science.
what is god's spirit?
i ask this of those who believe in god.
These type of threads usually disintegrate in to " I know the only correct thinking on this" threads
That's usually how these sorts start, with a person telling us the Truth Straight From God.
I think overly simplified, it comes down to the word energy.
How energy is applied, who applies it and where (or when).
What kind of energy? Electrical, thermal, gravitational? How can we detect it?
what is god's spirit?
i ask this of those who believe in god.
God's spirit is the power that drives every living cell.
What you've asked is what God's spirit is. What you've told us is what you believe it does. That would be like asking "What is a whiffydaglejam? It is what rolls downhill." Your answer, much like mine, hasn't told us anything. What is it? Well, what is it made of? How does it do the things you claim? How can we know that?
Also, if that is true, then you are giving god credit for every form of cancer, MRSA and the black death. If god's spirit is what keeps cells alive, then the corollary to that is lack of that spirit is what kills them. Everything that has ever died is now the fault of God in your answer.
an angel
* God's dynamic power
* God's mind
* God the Father Himself
* Jesus
* A mysterious Third Divine Personage
* A holy attitude
You've not told us what god is, how a spirit can have a mind (indeed, what is spirit?), what this power is, what angels are, etc. You're simply replacing unexplained terms with other unexplained terms.
There is an excellent thread on what spirit is (so far, no answer) if you think you can contribute.
august 2015 awake .
quote in title taken from article footnote.. anyone have information on who gene hwang and yan-der hsuuw in the article are?.
why do they repeatedly state that apes turned to humans when that's not what evolutionists teach at all?.
august 2015 awake .
quote in title taken from article footnote.. anyone have information on who gene hwang and yan-der hsuuw in the article are?.
why do they repeatedly state that apes turned to humans when that's not what evolutionists teach at all?.
While one holds upon expansion, Creation descends from inception, i.e. point of origin. (LIFE) however complex these theories are, both cannot find an actual point of origin of life.
For this purpose they both inherit the same standards by canceling each other theories as speculation. While one can be answered physically under man made proven hypothesizes the other can be proven by simple physical archeology.
The inference that evolutionist writers conspire to suggest that a millennial amount of generational people somehow conspired to develop or orchestrated the ultimate lie of transition, would be in itself ludicrous.