Christians don’t know the bible ( we know there is a group of people out there who really know the bible ).
Nope, never said that. Try again.
She claims we are still under the law of moses ( I think ) according to the bible.
Nope, never said that. Try again.
The law of Christ didn’t replace the old convanent.
Nope, never said that. Try again.
Again I must state I am not exactly sure what her theological stance of what the old covenant and new covenant are . It’s almost like she is trying bambozal us with all kinds of fancy jibbler jabber.
Sorry, I didn't mean to bamboozle you. I was just relating a funny story, sorry if it hit a nerve or described you exactly.
Repressed much ?? You can take the dub out of the hall but it is harder to take the hall out dub
Repressed? Jdub? What in the world are you talking about? Are you even trying to use your words or make a cogent thought?