Viviane that isn't what I said and not what I meant. I think I made my point clearly...
"must" isn't a word that makes sense where you used it. I just fixed it so it matches your point.
Yes I did use Christian theology to answer this question... but the skeptics also use Christian scriptures and traditions to try and argue the other side of this issue.
"Try" being the operative word. People, such as I, use scripture to point out that all you can do is try and that you never arrive at actual answers, just more obfuscation (which I eschew) or claiming humans are too stupid to understand it. Well, you can call us stupid if you want and you can think of yourself that way if you want. I, however, just read an article on how we have figured out how to put afterburners on particle accelerators. If we're smart enough to figure that out, I am pretty sure we're smart enough to answer "why is your god such a raging dick". It's because he's a dick, not because we're too stupid to understand why being a dick is really a good thing.
Let's put it this way, if someone treated your child the way your god would treat you, we would put that dick in jail for being a dick. Your god doesn't get a pass on raging dickishness. He's a dick.