When did she agree to endorse gay marriages?
She doesn't have to endorse gay marriages. She simply has to make sure paperwork is in order and file it for marriage as she agreed to.
I can see her argument if she claims " I agreed to do my job and I also agreed to do my job when laws change. But I never agreed to do my job when it violates my religion. You are saying that I did so derivatively, but I disagree."
Her argument is invalid. Laws change over time and as a deputy clerk for years, she would know that and be aware that laws would absolutely change during her time in office. Her oath said she agreed to uphold the laws, not uphold the laws except when she felt like it.
Why should everybody else be legally forced to accommodate, but not in her case?
If lot of other people get Reasonable Accommodations- even public officials, then why shouldn't she.
Because "reasonable accomodation" doesn't mean "don't have to do a core component of your job after you've sworn an oath to do so".
I know some elected officials that get special accommodations so they can practice their religion at work, or not work so they can practice their religion.
None of those are "not doing a core function of your job that you swore to do".
Some JW are clerks of the Court (not all officers of the Court are elected) In the US attorneys are officers of the Court.
So what?
Judges can do whatever they like. I have heard judges say: "The law ties my hands." and then do whatever they like anyway, erring deliberately.
Reality differs from your statements.
Sixty one federal judges have been impeached or investigated in the United States. Several were removed. That's not counting at all state and local judges. Also, judges had limited power and authority based on their position and region. They cannot "do whatever they want", no matter how many times or how much you think that to be true.
It simply is not reality.
You think you know so much? Go try a judge. "The Court erred. SO WHAT! The heck with you."
I do know so much, and your suggestion has exactly nothing to do with your incorrect claim and lack of knowledge.