you're the greatest Viviane, and I am sure I am speaking on behalf of the entire board. Well perhaps not.
No, you were right the first time.
do not say " I iam confused by words" That is a cheap cop out by an ego that prefers inhaling cyanide, than respecting the fresh air and viewpoint of another's opinion.
Reality shows that you are confused by words. It's not a cop out, it's just a fact. If you don't like that fact, it's 100% within your power to change.
Your right about one thing, though, I do have an ego, with good reason. I've worked very hard to know what I am talking about, to have very high quality thinking and to understand something before I talk about it. For those that are lacking facts, I've no problem helping. For those that struggle with a concept, I've no problem teaching. For those that are willfully ignorant, that prefer to muddy the water, that attempt to obscure reality, I've nothing but disdain (my son used "befuddled" and "disdain" in a sentence the other day, describing JWs, no less... I was so proud). Why in the world should I have anything else?
And no, I don't prefer inhaling cyanide. I am a whippets gal, personally.