The Village Idiot says that no planning of a Mars mission is ongoing. Wrong boys...
I am quite familiar with the Orion and SRS rockets. That's not "planning to colonize Mars". In fact, the first use case is a year long mission to go to an asteroid. Which, BTW, also isn't colonizing Mars. Eventually, at some point, they would like to go to Mars. Which also isn't "planning to colonize Mars.
As for Viv, you have no clue kid, there is no Viv's law except in your mind which means you are delusional. Furthermore what you consider theological babble is clearly scientific and being done as we converse, but since JW's do not believe in science or even tomorrow, this can't be.
Of course there is. I can quote it... "anytime someone uses science in an effort to prove an incorporeal spirit creature, i.e., higher power, exists, did exist or took or takes action in the physical, material universe, you can be 100% certain that person doesn't know what any of those things means and lacks critical thinking skills".
You're demonstrating now, as well as a bit of a nasty personality.
But, since you consider what you said scientific, please explain how it is falsifiable. Go one, go ahead.