Viviane what made the gravity and light? The only logical answer is God.
Explain the logic, please. Draw the connections between "you don't know" and arrive at God. Your argument must be airtight with no other options.
For instance, why wasn't it two gods? Or three? Or a unicorn farting?Your argument of "the only logical answer" must preclude any of those, otherwise it isn't "the only logical answer".
BTW, here you go...
It appears that the answer of "where did it come from" is actually answered by "it's probably impossible for nothing to exist" and, if you reject that, be aware that the same reason you question a non-supernatural universe also applies to your god, as in, "OK, it was God, now where did God come from. Something like that must have had a creator".
Logically, once you posit that something can exist without a First Cause or creator, you've opened the door to not needing the creator or First Cause. If you insist that in order for something instead of nothing to exist, then your First Cause or creator, God, by logical necessity must have had a creator or First cause as well, so on and so forth to infinite regression.
But, go ahead, explain away why "God is the only logical explanation" to us. Remember, airtight, can't be applied to magical, undetectable unicorn farts.