If you have evidence for the assertions you make why not include it in your post?
I did, try reading.
You imply I am not familar with the source I cite without explicitly saying so, a neat rhetorical trick. However I have read Betley Hart's book and this was a quotation from it. The link was to a review of the book that includes the quote. What distinction do you make between naturalism and materialism?
I in no way implied that. If you felt the sting, it was one of your own making.
They are different things. If you conflate them, you must separate them. Let me be clear, materialism is NOT naturalism. If you feel that they are the same, then it is up to you to make that argument. If you are unable to do so, then YOU show that YOU are unfamiliar with the material, not me.
I consider myself an agnostic. Lots of labelling there, not much (or anything) in the way orf argument or evidence.
Agnostic means "without knowledge". I agree that is an apt description.
1. Cofty asked how theists might respond if scientists manage to demonstrate how life can arise from non-life. I pointed out that the view that scientific discoveries can tell us anything about God or his existence involves a particular philosophical stance and is not a given.
Cofty never suggested it was. You made a strawman and then argued against it.
2. I pointed out that the optimistic view some people have of science, that it will be able to answer ultimate questions, such as about God, at some time in the future, resembles the belief JWs have that the final truth about reality will be established at Armageddon. That looks like fantasy, or wishful thinking, in both cases.
Ah, the "some people" argument. There's your problem. As was pointed out to you, science doesn't seek to answer questions about God. Your argument is with people that misunderstand science, it has nothing to do with Cofty's OP. Again, you are making a strawman and then arguing against it.
3. Cofty claimed that JWs teach scientists will never be able to create life from non-life because there is a "theological barrier" rather than a technical one. WT publications say the opposite, that scientists may be able to create life at some point in the future. For most people a quotation from the WT saying that scientists may create life at some point would be enough to convince them that's what the WT teaches. But not Cofty. A strange position for someone who claims to believe in facts.
And you're wrong again. the WT uses weasel words all over the place to hold 5 different views at once. Just because they say and teach one thing doesn't also mean they don't teach something else as well. As someone who is claiming to be versed in philosophy, strange that you wouldn't grasp that and know it.
LIFE COMES ONLY FROM LIFE. “With you [God] is the source of life.”—Psalm 36:9.