Well if I have to tell you why we can say animals don't perceive infinity and humans do...
All you have to do is show me the evidence.
You're are wrong about the date of the most recent common ancestor of humans. It existed just a few thousand years.
All you have to do is show me the evidence.
Only Christians consider matter as separated from God. Others religions consider matter as a body of a god. In these religions you cannot study matter but you must worship it.
Really? Excellent, show me the evidence for that.
And you're are a positivist if you consider the scientific method the only valid knowledge.
It helps to know something besides the scientific method. I mean, knowing how to make a salad is nice.
The Catholic view is God created the universe and set natural laws to it.
One of these laws is the evolution algorithm. It created the human body and the primitive mind in it.
OK, show me the evidence for that.
In some recent point, God chose a pair of these humanoids and put a soul in them. If the sons of the first couple took theirs mates from the others humanoids it was not bestiality, because there was no difference in the material body.
OK, interesting, not different except that one had a soul and one didn't, making them separate species. How is that not bestiality?
And theirs sons received a human soul afterwards because is believed that every soul is created directly by God.
So you're saying that only one parent is needed to pass on a soul? Also, sons? What if they had a daughter, would she have gotten a soul? Or did these hybrids only have sons? Is the soul passed on in the X or Y chromosome?
I need some more details on how this works.
And theirs sons received a human soul afterwards because is believed that every soul is created directly by God.
Interesting. What does he make it out of? What he made out of, for that matter? What tools, if any, would he need? A hammer? Screwdriver?
This belief is consistent with the scientific knowledge about the most recent common ancestor and the human modern behaviour.
Oh, well, don't get ahead of yourself. You've not shown any evidence yet. This is, at this point, just you saying stuff.
The recent fundamentalist view on Genesis is not the traditional view of Christianity. Saint Augustine said in the third century the Genesis account it's a theological explanation.
So 1700 years ago he knew it was a load of poop. Good to know.
What does that have to do with all of the evidence you need to be working on getting together?