I don't think we can say it is impossible that God has good reasons that we don't know.
And no one is saying that, again. It may well be true that there is an all loving invisible magical sky zombie that is omnipotent and omniscient that has a good reason for slaughtering billions of his children, creating untold terror, fear and hate. If true, it just makes him an asshole.
Why is this so hard for you to grasp?
The only time belief that actually deserves disrespect is when the faith in whatever is being malicious but all I'm doing and others on here are doing is letting people come to realize that we know God Unicorn Sparkle Pony exists and that he wants us to be aware of him but not just us but everyone alive today. If only more people thought about this though.
Why do you deny the truth of Unicorn Sparkle Pony? If only you thought about this through.
I can assure you that I'm not interested in a contest of this kind.
Of course not. It's natural to fear what you don't understand.
Atheists and theists have ideological enemies in common, like Nihilism.
"Atheists" are not a group with a set of common beliefs. All it means is they lack belief in a god, goddess, gods, goddesses, spirits, demons, fairies, etc.
This choice can only be made while we are alive. After death your intentions throughout your life will be fixed in your soul forever with no turning back.
Wait, so your invisible magical sky zombie hides himself and give us no evidence so we can choose willingly to believe in an invisible magical sky zombie with no evidence and, if we don't, we get eternal torture?
Wow, you're invisible magical sky zombie is an asshole. That's why you should worship Unicorn Sparkle Pony. He's not an asshole.
Freedom of choice needs total privacy too, that's why your mental intentions cannot be read by anyone. You have total privacy about your deepest thoughts/intentions.
I was getting worried. You hadn't said anything nutter butter for a while, good to see you're OK.