The prophecy is that one of the disciples would betray Jesus. Which one is never specified. The belief is that each disciple had freedom of choice.
Uh, which prophecy?
Yes, I'm very familiar with how propaganda works, which is precisely my point. Propaganda filters out the negative detail in order to maximize the message in favor of the cause
Oh, then I guess you've must have heard of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Tell me, which negative details it filters out? Tell me, since you clearly have looked at all of the propaganda in the world to be able to make that declarative statement about all propaganda in the world, which have you read and studied?
Once again, these aren't negative details, they are central points to the story. Which propaganda in your studies treats major plot points as details?
If you were creating propaganda then you'd be unlikely to write the narrative as it's presented in the gospels.
Why? Please show comparative and contrast propaganda throughout history that you have studied in order to be able to demonstrate this.
The very fact that Simon in the OP can point out the negative aspects is actually unwitting testimony to the honesty of the accounts.
That doesn't make sense and is a non-sequitur. Just because I can point out the flaws in something doesn't mean it isn't what it is. For instance, just because I can point that a person has flaws doesn't make them not a person.
Similarly, just because the gospels are shitty propaganda doesn't make them not propaganda.
For sure, it's no proof that these things happened, but it certainly adds weight to the idea that the authors believed in the things that they wrote and they weren't just going all out for telling a story that would best represent their cause.
Well, "it's" not anything, much less proof, at the moment as you've not presented anything except your opinion, a non-sequitur. Also, you seem to be confused. Are you saying people that write propaganda, by definition, don't believe it? Otherwise, what's to stop them from writing propaganda stories and believing them?