“as it were, “in the Kingdom of the heavens” is your belief rather your interpretation—taking Jesus words and giving your meaning to it.
How is that any different than you deciding what Buddha's silence means?
i got up today to listen to the shocking news that russia’s ambassador to turkey was assassinated at an ankara art exhibit, and assassin was acting in the name of god.. it seems things have evolved to the other extreme that atheists are doing the work of religionists and vice versa.
while religionists take delight in killing fellow humans in the name of god, there were many atheists who followed very elevated morality.
the french existentialists and writers jean-paul sartre and albert camus were some of them.
“as it were, “in the Kingdom of the heavens” is your belief rather your interpretation—taking Jesus words and giving your meaning to it.
How is that any different than you deciding what Buddha's silence means?
No, Bible prophecy is a myth.
this site is absolutely hilarious!
it's jws anonymously asking questions and getting g anonymous answers.
the level of deep is insane.. https://jwadvisor.blogspot.de/?m=1.
i have been thinking about how the wtb&t society bullies all of its members into submission with the threats they use (by practice), i.e.
“if you do this we will df you and you will be shunned”.
“if you da yourself, we will make an announcement and your friends, relatives and family will abandon you”, etc.
True dat, but the corollary is that you have to show which statutes of the law were broken.
this site is absolutely hilarious!
it's jws anonymously asking questions and getting g anonymous answers.
the level of deep is insane.. https://jwadvisor.blogspot.de/?m=1.
This site is absolutely hilarious! It's JWs anonymously asking questions and getting g anonymous answers. The level of deep is insane.
i have been thinking about how the wtb&t society bullies all of its members into submission with the threats they use (by practice), i.e.
“if you do this we will df you and you will be shunned”.
“if you da yourself, we will make an announcement and your friends, relatives and family will abandon you”, etc.
Yeah, that won't work.
we've seen one backflip.
crooked hillary became a hard-working woman who deserves the nations praise (in his victory speech);.
now according to a uk newspaper:.
Oh sweet Jesus I hope so.
i was going to put this in my thread about pyramid schemes, but i thought it's discreet enough to warrant its own.
1) there are many faithful jws.
2) there are many men and women who could take control and fill the void if the watchtower collapses.
What makes you think they will collapse?
all these hypothetical questions about the organization's demise or what if god did this or that don't do anyone any good.
personal experiences.
info and insight about your congregation, circuit, area and the watchtower itself is what we need.
what if.... there were no "what if..." posts?
the blame for mankind's sicknesses/diseases and consequent death has been placed squarely on the shoulders of adam:.
romans 5:12, 17 - 19:"therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned—for if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man.......consequently, just as one trespass resulted in condemnation for all people........for just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners........".
1 corinthians 15: 21, 22:"for since death came through a man........... for as in adam all die.......".
How do Bible literalists explain that one ?
Obviously put there by Satan to tempt your faith.