A second point I will make as well, because I went on to read your other post, is that the many gods came after the one not before it.
There is ample evidence demonstrating many Semitic gods before Yahweh.
The many gods worshipped in the pagan customs find their originality in the region where babel was founded (which I can't remember what the whole region is called off the top of my head).
Back up. Pagan, at the time, had no meaning for that region. You are pushing back a modern world view into a vastly different culture. You're speaking of the Levant area of West Asia and parts of North Africa. It was populated with Semitic peoples who had common language and religious root. They were the proto-Hebrews, Cannanites, Phonecians, Assyrian, Akkadian, etc.. They shared the same background for language, writing and religion. The Israelite/Hebrew religion was born in this melting pots of gods, goddesses, angels, demons and a continuum of the divine.
You're attempting to separate out the Hebrew/Israelite religion as unique to all the others when, in reality, it sprang from the same source and shares many of the same features. Over time it evolved into something different, as did all the others, but in no way was it's origin unique.
The one God, was worshipped in Salem by Melchizadek long before these other gods popped up created by the people living in the babel region. There are many historical references that I can bring into this that provide their reasons for making this assertion if you like.
I would love to see actual historical evidence that Yahweh pre-dates the Semitic religion from which he came.