We are hearing reports of this promotion of the website by the JW and it seems to be a resource for them to dodge questions of their faith, when they don't have or want to give an answer to a question they direct the house holder to the Organization/Corporation's website to get the answer as if it really existed.there.
A couple of JWs stopped by my house last month and that's exactly what they did. I didn't tell them I was DF'ed, we just had a conversation about why logically God doesn't make sense and evolution is true (on of the JWs even admitted evolution was real), eventually they just said that JW.ORG could answer all of my questions.
I saw one of the JW ladies in the store about a week later, she asked if I had visited the website. I said that I had but it didn't answer any more questions. She didn't push for a return visit or anything. It seemed as if the was that if one visit and a website hit couldn't convince me, time to move on!