It's not a requirement to agree with everything an author writes to nonetheless find some value or merit in their work.
I never said it was.
However, I currently use Anthem as part of my curriculum with my high school students. I find it helpful for them to understand the central issue of collectivism vs. individualism.
My son just read Anthem in high school last semester so I had the occasion to read it again. I found it helpful, but primary to take the opportunity to explain that Anthem is a poorly written and thought our piece that creates a false dichotomy, an us vs. them mentality, a collective vs. individual mentality that, in reality, doesn't exist.
I find it useful as an example to illustrate, how, in the real world, that type of thinking is childish and inadequate and doesn't actually exist except as a talking point to rally the uneducated into thinking it's us vs. them, no matter your side of the issue.
So yes, as an example of why we can't have nice things, it's stunningly perfect.
Other books in this vein I would recommend are:
- Nineteen Eighty-Four
- Animal Farm
- Fahrenheit 451
- The Giver
I've not read The Giver, but, the other three in the list are the same only in that there is a dystopian world. Nineteen Eighty Four doesn't have a protagonist who is special and smarter than everyone else and defeats the world through just his specialness rebelling and living in the woods. Animal Farm is about becoming that which you reject, the irony of becoming the very object of your hate. Fahrenheit 451 is the closest in theme in that the government is enforcing equality, but mostly it's a tale about the dangers of government censorship as per Ray Bradbury himself (I've read many of his books).
In terms of what the book is actually about, the three I mentioned aren't thematically close.