I will adress one aspect about the Bakery case. In this instance they would have their hand specifically in the event, also not to forget the photographers who have been sued for not filming a gay wedding.
Yes, because that's the service they went into business to offer. It's not being part of the ceremony. Most custom cakes ARE for an event and that's the service they decided to offer. Same with the photographer.
There is a difference in baking a cake and selling it to someone or refusing to sell, and making a specific cake with a specific message on the cake (whether it be 2 female cake toppers or 2 male. or congratulations Lisa and Maureen) the difference is one selling a good, where the other is more like catering to a service.
What is the difference? They are making wedding cakes. What is the difference between making a custom cake and making a custom cake and delivering it that it suddenly becomes morally offensive? How is it OK to provide a cake for fornicators but not gay people? Both are sins.
I could not in any way shape or form be a partaker in anything that promotes the WT Society.
The last two companies I worked for had the WTBS as customers. I had no problem with it and found it deliciously ironic that the sales to them helped fund my apostate lifestyle.
For as ever much how wrong I believe the Watchtower is--there are just as many people who believe that gay marriage is just as wrong and don't want any part of it.