A bunch of people say a room is haunted.
why this room (no 428), located at ohio university, is unavailable to students?.
it has been boarded up and closed off because of various paranormal reports regarding the room.
poltergeist activity has been felt: objects flying across the room, doors that open and shut by themselves, and dark shadows appearing and disappearing without explanation.
A bunch of people say a room is haunted.
sickening to see the photo of the religious zealots all stood around the governor signing into law the right for people to discriminate against others (gay, lesbian, trans-gender) based purely on religious dogma.. if religious people want those freedoms then the can't have it both ways - they cannot complain if *they* are discriminated against.. "sorry, we don't like zionists, get out".
"oh, it's some special mass and you can't work your shift?
you're fired!"..
If being a bible believing (non-cult) christian makes me a bigot (in your eyes)--then yes I am proud!
Oh, sorry, perhaps you didn't know that Christianity IS a cult. It's your disgusting attempts to dehumanize an entire group of people based on cherry picked morality and wavering convictions that are disgusting.
Be proud of that. It's an ever smaller and more exclusive club you belong to.
sickening to see the photo of the religious zealots all stood around the governor signing into law the right for people to discriminate against others (gay, lesbian, trans-gender) based purely on religious dogma.. if religious people want those freedoms then the can't have it both ways - they cannot complain if *they* are discriminated against.. "sorry, we don't like zionists, get out".
"oh, it's some special mass and you can't work your shift?
you're fired!"..
And Viv, excuse me, but grow a BACKBONE? WTF? Are you losing your edginess that we have all come to know, expect and love? Backbone? That is not the body parts he needs to grow according to the Viv I know and love.
No, but I told Simon I would stop making all the boys cry.
sickening to see the photo of the religious zealots all stood around the governor signing into law the right for people to discriminate against others (gay, lesbian, trans-gender) based purely on religious dogma.. if religious people want those freedoms then the can't have it both ways - they cannot complain if *they* are discriminated against.. "sorry, we don't like zionists, get out".
"oh, it's some special mass and you can't work your shift?
you're fired!"..
I am not the least bit upset--in fact I would be surprised if you werent that way at all. I realize you are an atheist, and in being so, this is to be expected. If you were supporting me, talking decently to me, and not resorting to name calling, then I would know that I was in the wrong.
As I said, accusing others of your own behavior is a common tactic amongst those who seek to dehumanize others. Your views and actions are disgusting and you are a poor example of a human.
Grow a backbone, for heaven's sake, and be proud of the bigoted views you hold. At then I could respect you for standing up for what you believe in. Now it's just sad watching pretend you're a victim for being a bigot and having issues with your sexuality.
sickening to see the photo of the religious zealots all stood around the governor signing into law the right for people to discriminate against others (gay, lesbian, trans-gender) based purely on religious dogma.. if religious people want those freedoms then the can't have it both ways - they cannot complain if *they* are discriminated against.. "sorry, we don't like zionists, get out".
"oh, it's some special mass and you can't work your shift?
you're fired!"..
you are poor example too--you preach tolerance, then when someone holds a view different from yours, you resort to name calling--you are a hypocrite.
You see, being a hypocrite would mean I would be saying I can hold my views but you can't hold yours. No one saying that at all. I am tolerant of your views and your right to hold them. I never said you shouldn't. Your views just happen to be disgusting and your actions, attempting to dehumanize people, make you a poor example of a human and I have every right to call that out.
You should own that, be proud of it. Why are you suddenly whining and upset that your views are being called what they are? Seriously, I find it hilarious that the people that want to enshrine the right to be bigoted assholes into law suddenly turn in simpering children when the right to properly calls out those bigoted views is used.
Grow a backbone, for heaven's sake.
sickening to see the photo of the religious zealots all stood around the governor signing into law the right for people to discriminate against others (gay, lesbian, trans-gender) based purely on religious dogma.. if religious people want those freedoms then the can't have it both ways - they cannot complain if *they* are discriminated against.. "sorry, we don't like zionists, get out".
"oh, it's some special mass and you can't work your shift?
you're fired!"..
By the way, I never said they all were like that, just the ones I have met, and the ones who are working on the agenda--the non-political ones, not so much.
Liar, you said "the liberals". That means all.
Your attempts to dehumanize an entire group of humans to justify your own issues with sexuality by cherry picking morality and scripture are disgusting and a poor example of a human.
sickening to see the photo of the religious zealots all stood around the governor signing into law the right for people to discriminate against others (gay, lesbian, trans-gender) based purely on religious dogma.. if religious people want those freedoms then the can't have it both ways - they cannot complain if *they* are discriminated against.. "sorry, we don't like zionists, get out".
"oh, it's some special mass and you can't work your shift?
you're fired!"..
Wow, you are so filled with hate! You can't even allow someone to disagree with you without going all ballistic and name calling.
Pretending to be the victim and accusing others of being "full of hate" is exactly the playbook your type fall back on when your disgusting actions are brought to light.
Your attempts to dehumanize an entire group of humans to justify your own issues with sexuality by cherry picking morality and scripture are disgusting and a poor example of a human. Note that no one is not allowing you to disagree, indeed, I fully support your right to do so, so please don't tell that lie again.
Your views and actions just happen to be disgusting.
sickening to see the photo of the religious zealots all stood around the governor signing into law the right for people to discriminate against others (gay, lesbian, trans-gender) based purely on religious dogma.. if religious people want those freedoms then the can't have it both ways - they cannot complain if *they* are discriminated against.. "sorry, we don't like zionists, get out".
"oh, it's some special mass and you can't work your shift?
you're fired!"..
Your attempts to dehumanize an entire group of humans to justify your own issues with sexuality by cherry picking morality and scripture are disgusting and a poor example of a human.
sickening to see the photo of the religious zealots all stood around the governor signing into law the right for people to discriminate against others (gay, lesbian, trans-gender) based purely on religious dogma.. if religious people want those freedoms then the can't have it both ways - they cannot complain if *they* are discriminated against.. "sorry, we don't like zionists, get out".
"oh, it's some special mass and you can't work your shift?
you're fired!"..
As for baking cakes for fornicators, well I guess if someone came to me and wanted me to cater their unwed daughters "losing her virginity" party--well I probably wouldn't cater that either.
That's a very weird example that doesn't make sense.
Bakers make cakes for unwed couple having sex all the time without a problem. They make cakes for the birth of children from unwed couples, cakes for bachelor parties that will have naked women present, cakes for gay couples.
They only draw the line at weddings, so clearly the issue isn't a strongly help Christian conviction because they are picking and choosing their morals.
The liberals are all about show and if it doesn't fit their agenda, they wouldn't feed anyone.
Well, that's just irrelevant, stupid and false.
The gays I have known would step right over a homeless person in a ditch to get to their gay pride meeting or political action forum---leaving the poor hungry person to be fed by the christian.
Ah, yes, is this when you were on the down low, I mean, undercover, in these gay organizations and being propositions by married gay men?
Good job on dehumanizing, insulting, lying about and demeaning an entire group of humans just so you can feel justified in in defending your cherry picking of morals and religion and obvious issues with sexuality.
sickening to see the photo of the religious zealots all stood around the governor signing into law the right for people to discriminate against others (gay, lesbian, trans-gender) based purely on religious dogma.. if religious people want those freedoms then the can't have it both ways - they cannot complain if *they* are discriminated against.. "sorry, we don't like zionists, get out".
"oh, it's some special mass and you can't work your shift?
you're fired!"..
DJS, some people have convictions that aren't up for sale--it is rare nowadays, but there still are some.
Yes, they are. That's exactly the point. They will bake a gay or make a flower arrangement for gay couples or fornicators, both "sins" according to the Bible and then suddenly decide that a specific instance is wrong and next time it's OK.
That's very definition of hypocrisy and convictions up for sales.
Some people have convictions, and others blow as the wind blows, and sell their soul for a buck.
Sorry, unless you follow the Bible 100% (since you claim to be a Christian) you are picking and choosing your morals and convictions are you go.