It's past my bedtime.
Past mine, too. Sleep tight, faux lover.
It's past my bedtime.
Past mine, too. Sleep tight, faux lover.
Viviane + Village Idiot
I really hope I am the devil in that picture, buddy. Otherwise, your penis tail is tickling my unmentionables and I don't have a prostate to play with.
BTW Village idiot. I was talking to Viviane.
Village Idiot and I are lovers committing adultery every night and just about every nine months murdering my unborn child while stealing and working to do it on the sabbath while bearing false witness about the entire situation and worshiping a pentagram idol made by our parents we sold into slavery to our neighbors that worship other gods and then we lie about why we need so many pentagrams, mainly so we can take the lords name in vain while committing the adultery that leads to the murder, etc., etc.. Also, we really like Baphomet more than YHWH, just to get the first commandment in this fiction.
It's a vicious cycle.
Hahaha yet again you have made me laugh. Thank you for that. Your arguments were close to ZERO, I will give you a 1 for effort. If you do not want to debate, then why are you on here? And those last questions I will be glad to answer
So.. you're denying Jesus said the law was perfect, that holy men slept with concubines and slave girls with God's approval and that God commanded something physical be put up as an aid for worship and that there was killing done with God's approval? I just want to be clear before we move on because, if you aren't, then you're agreeing with what I wrote. If you are denying it and it turns out that there are some Bible verses, it turns out you're denying God.
I just want to give you the opportunity to think about this and double (or, perhaps for the first time) check your Bible to see what it actually says.
Like I said, you should show everyone PROOF (Bible texts for what you are saying)
Unless you are referencing something written here, for everyone to see, I've no idea. If you are referencing a PM you sent me, then you'll need to make that PM public for all to see. Otherwise, you've not said a thing.
Maybe you need to re-read your Bible. (Exodus 20:3) Read it a couple of times just so it can sink in that brain of yours
You're a typical Christian. When faced with your own holy book contradicting itself, you retreat into insults and attacks. That doesn't hurt me, it just shows how weak your argument and your grasp of your arguments is.
Give me a text that shows that Jesus endorsed slavery and rape?
Look, cowboy, I know you're trying to ask me for chapter and verse of all of these.Jesus said the law was perfect, the law endorsed slavery and rape. You're smart enough to connect those dots. You know God went around with a temple and an ark and commanded the snake pole (no sexual imagery there, eh?) to be put up. You know people were sleeping around with God's approval.
Well, I assume you know. If not, your bible knowledge sucks. Like, it's so bad you should be hiding rather than talking about the Bible. You should find the nearest homeless person and get them to argue because they probably know more about it than you, it's that bad if you can't find these passages on your own.
I'm not going to engage you in a Gish Gallop. If there are two or three of the things I mentioned that confuse you, let's address them. If you can't find the relevant scripture, I'll be happy to provide it. What I can't and won't do it attempt to engage you on every little thing you don't understand. You have to make some effort to read the Bible yourself and actually know what it says.
Also, which set of the 10 commandments? Are you picking one? God gave out two, why don't you honor both?
the video will explain, or at least , hopefully, allow you to understand why i have finally admitted that i do love the creator..
I love that song. I am proud to admit that. It's a good song.
I guess we have to keep reminding him every time he makes a post.
the video will explain, or at least , hopefully, allow you to understand why i have finally admitted that i do love the creator..
The video will explain, or at least , hopefully, allow you to understand why I have finally admitted that I do love The Creator.
As I previously brought up, which 10 Commandments? Exodus 20 or Exodus 34?
Why wouldn't God want us to have other gods?
Slow down there, turbo dog. It doesn't say to not have other gods, it says to have no others before him. Other gods are fine.
God is saying, you don;t need something concrete to worship me and to talk to me, you can do that anywhere, because I am God Almighty.Are you forgetting pole with the snake or the temple? Interesting.
Even the way we act with someone can be misusing the name of God by our actions. As Christians, we are called to represent the name of God.
Jesus endorsed slavery and rape. Is that a good way to represent God? If not, are you disagreeing with Jesus?
Going back to creation week, God blessed, sanctified, and made the Sabbath Holy.
God rested from all the work he had done. God rested. Why would God rest? Was he tired? God and run low on energy after doing work? Interesting idea. God can work hard and need a nap. Interesting that you endorse the idea that he is not all powerful. If he was, he would not need to rest.
Honoring and respecting our parents is something that we need to practice.
Are you suggesting that a parent who smokes and drinks around their kids and physically abuses them should be honored? There are no qualifications to this, so the obvious answer would be that yes, you do. If not, are you suggesting there be amendments to the commandment that God didn't think of?
God is protecting us from murdering another human being.
The commandment is not to not murder. The word associated with means slaying, killing, murdering or destroying. Still, not murdering is a good idea, but hardly unique or a novel ideal originating with the 10 commandments.
How many families are being destroyed in these days because a wife or husband decided to go and get with another married person.
Have you read the Bible? Patriarchs were horning it up with temple concubines, sleeping with women not their wives and sleeping with their wives servants ALL THE TIME and with God's approval. Adultery doesn't require both parties to be married. God approved of that all the time. In fact, polygamous marriages were also something God supported. It seems more like the rule was not "don't commit adultery" but rather "don't bone another man's property".
Or, you know, don't do exactly what God commanded the Israelites to do? Don't steal except when it's OK?
If you have nothing good to say about someone, you shouldn't say it at all.That's not at all what the commandment says. However, not lying is a good idea, except when it is. Like if you're being questioned by Nazi's as to where some Jews are hiding or when Jesus said he would be back before the people standing in front of him were all dead. Unless he didn't realize he wouldn't...
Still, lying has it's place.
Let's be blessed for what we have right now. If you only have 5 dollars for the week, make the best of that
Yes, the poor mother who can't feed or clothe her children should be happy with what she has and thank Jesus for it.
The ten commandments are a testament to Gods love for us. Why don't people view them like this? I'm not sure.
Well, now you have the information you need to be sure why not.
**Edited to add*** Oh, and on adultery, God was totally against it, except that time he got busy with another man's fiancee, a virgin no less.