Dear Lady, where did you get the idea that to refer to a Biblical story is to believe it literal?
So Jesus didn't believe it? You're saying Jesus was claiming as real false stories? You're saying Jesus didn't transfigure? Rise from the dead? Ascend to heaven? Believe in Noah?
Interestingly, when referring to the Flood of Noah's day and men marrying and women given in marriage Jesus said nothing about angels come down to have sex with women.
Jesus also never talked about having to poop. Are you saying Jesus therefore didn't poop? Jesus didn't mention masturbating. Are you saying people therefore don't masturbate?
He did not subscribe to that erroneous teaching.
Ah, well then simply show me the scripture where he says that. Otherwise, you are simply making things up so you can deny Jesus words and deeds. Technically, that makes you an anti-Christ.