Thus if I see a ghost or appararition, as part of the analysis of the event I have to include initially the possibilities that I am having a brainstorm and the possibility that ghosts do exist.
Since you asked me personally to look at this post, I will.
First, what do you mean by ghost? Then, take that definition and make sure that it is something that means something, i.e., something that you can ascribe and effect or objectively observable definition to. Think of dark matter, we've no idea what it is, but we can certainly at least objectively observe it's effects and tell that something is there. The something you you define as a ghost must at least be objectively observable for anything to help you out.
However, and finally the point of this waffle, what happens when we personally see images in our heads of events which actually occur as per image, at a later time? What kind of critical analysis could we make of that. initially?
Count the hits AND the misses. How many times did you think of something that came true? How many didn't? Was the thing that came true related to something that was easily foreseeable? Did you write it down? Was it exactly right, pretty close or meh, close enough?
What it has done is to make me look at the prophecies spoken about in the original old texts. The one thing I logically conclude from a personal perspective is that the old guys, way back when they were writing their stuff, could, well have been seeing exactly what they said they were.
Not one prophecy every written in the Bible has ever come true. But, looking at any prophecy, was it specific? Did it name names? Dates? Events, specifically that came true exactly? If not, then it's really not a prophecy.
Somehow, it is possible for humans to see what will later happen.
I predict events that come true all the time. But that's just experience in a given situation that I am familiar with. If I were to predict who, 10 years from now, who would be the first person on Mars, the exact date and time, the name of the ship, where they would land, names of the crew, the date they left, how many kilograms of fuel they had and the weather on the day they left, yeah, that would be impressive. Predicting my friend will choose fish with white wine for dinner because I've seen her do it 100 times? Not so much.